
Welcoming our customer Outokumpu in Kvinesdal

Outokumpu’s Sustainable and Procurement team visited its main supplier of LC SiMn: Eramet Kvinesdal! A unique opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to CSR and explain why Kvinesdal produces the LC SiMn grade with the lowest CO₂ footprint in the world. And also, an opportunity to share the value in use of our manganese alloys to strengthen the commercial relationship between our companies.

Pictured: Benoît Lecacheux (Eramet 10G), Tatiana Lengrand (Eramet 10G), Michael Papoutsis (Outokumpu), Juergen Maassen (Outokumpu), Sem Gysland (Eramet Kvinesdal).

Benoît Lecacheux
Quality and Commercial Excellence Manager
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