
SAP Month Closure

At EMI, process engineer are deeply involved with the finance department on consolidating production and usage figures.

In Elvis, decades have made for a fast and smooth process with easy-to-implement interfaces and corrections…

SAP is not so “customized”, and the corrections take much longer, with several SAP transactions to cross, fill, check and…. From a few dozen minutes in Elvis to hours in SAP…

Nevertheless, the process engineers, supported by Bjørn-Andre, have learned the procedure to ensure that usage and production in SAP match with actual figures, have become SAP specialists and are now fluent in its jargon MIGO, COOISPI, MB31, LX02...

Pictured: Bjørn-Andre Sjøboden – ERP Responsible, Annette Morgan – Business Controller, Kaitlynn Boyd – Process Engineer, Sean Clody – Process Engineer, Ray Baker – Ingénieur Process Senior, Nicolas Benaily – Responsable Technologie et Développement Process.

Process Team
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