

In 2022, EMI launched the SAP project. The implementation schedule was very tight. MII is the SAP module for operators to input time and weight for tapping, blows and casting.

At the beginning of August, with Bjørn-Andre, a training is organized to prepare the deployment of MII though the software itself is still not available for demonstration…

On August 18, MII is delivered to EMI. The choice is made not to delay data input pending additional training but to have operators use MII as soon as ready and complete their training “live”… With great help of Bjørn-Andre, the operators started using MII and were the first SAP users in the plant!

Pictured: Bjørn-Andre Sjøboden – ERP Responsible, Kaitlynn Boyd – Process Engineer, Sean Clody – Process Engineer, Ray Baker – Process Engineer Senior, Nicolas Benaily – Manager Process Technology and Development.

Process Team with all operators
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