
2.0 production of DI water

The lab uses de-ionized (DI) water 24/7 to perform wet chemistry. DI water is produced on site at the laboratory. Previously, refilling the reactant canister was done manually by the lab and the frequency of refilling was irregular, making it difficult to anticipate and predict when the lab would run out of reactant. In the worst case, wet chemistry had to be suspended until the reactant bottles were changed.

In Q1 2022, after a discussion with the supplier, new IOT sensors were implemented. They are connected to our supplier to inform him directly when the reactant level is low. The supplier is now responsible for anticipating the change of the bottle. And the cost has remained unchanged!

Pictured: Eric Leonard – Lab Technician, Shalyn Conley – Lab Technician, Joe Lambeth – Chemist, Marla Porter – Lab Technician, Dan Davies – Lab Supervisor.

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